How, why and what java docs..
##### flume-agent.conf ##### #Agent Definition myagent.sources = mysource myagent.channels = mychannel myagent.sinks = mysink #Channel Definition myagent.channels.mychannel.type = memory myagent.channels.mychannel.capactiy = 1000 myagent.channels.mychannel.transactionCapacity = 100 #Source Definition myagent.sources.mysource.type = exec myagent.sources.mysource.command = tail -F /user/shashi/Somefile.txt myagent.sources.mysource.channels = mychannel #Sink Definition myagent.sinks.mysink.type = hdfs myagent.sinks.mysink.hdfs.path = /shashi myagent.sinks.mysink.hdfs.fileType = DataStream = mychannelFlume command to get the agent started
##### flume command ##### #Command to start flume agent flume-ng agent --conf-file flume-agent.conf --name myagentShell script to increment the file being tailed by the flume
max=100 for i in `seq 1 $max` do echo "$i" >> /user/shashi/Somefile.txt done
hadoop fs -text file_path
q = word sl = source language tl = target language restrict = is used to restrict the source of word definition valid entries include pr = primary, de = webDefinitions (word meanings from other sources)