Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cassandra frequently used CQLs

Some of the commonly used Cassandra CQLs

1. List all the keyspaces in Cassandra
use system;
select * from schema_keyspaces;

2. List all the tables in a keyspace
use {keyspace_name};
describe tables;

3. How to dump CQL output on to a file
{cassandra_home}/bin/cqlsh -f cquery.txt > cquery.out

Link to an exhaustive list of CQL query examples

Below is the snip of how the CShell would look like

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Load a resource file in Java

Read a resource file from a web application
new PropertyConfigurator().getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("")

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Java Official Tutorial Page

Where to start learning about Java?

Java Memory Management

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Java Interview!!

Couple of links that I came across to prep for the Java Interview


What is the o/p of the code blocks below and why is the difference in o/p's?
  String helloWorld = "Hello, world!";
  if(helloWorld=="Hello, world!"){
   System.out.println("== is true");
   System.out.println("== is false");
  if(helloWorld.equals("Hello, world!")){
   System.out.println(".equals is true");
   System.out.println(".equals is false");

  String helloWorld = new String("Hello, world!");
  if(helloWorld=="Hello, world!"){
   System.out.println("== is true");
   System.out.println("== is false");
  if(helloWorld.equals("Hello, world!")){
   System.out.println(".equals is true");
   System.out.println(".equals is false");

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Adding code syntax highlighter to your blog post!

Click me to know how to add code snippets to your blog like below!  
public class HelloWorld {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  System.out.println("Hello, World!");